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Read • 10 January 2019 ATHENS: A BELGIAN DIORAMA An eclectic performance about Europe’s most fascinating capital.
Read • 12 March 2018 Guy Cassiers on Het kleine meisje van meneer Linh Guy Cassiers talks about a European sequel, creating more international versions of this production, in many different languages.
Read • 16 November 2017 Wordless play 300 el x 50 el x 30 el is back in Antwerp and travels to London
Read • 23 March 2017 Guy Cassiers with Grensgeval (Borderline) and Le sec et l'humide (The Dry and the Wet) in the 71st Festival d'Avignon!
Read • 10 March 2017 Guy Cassiers in Paris with Trompe-la-mort at the Opéra national de Paris and Le sec et l’humide at the Centre Pompidou