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Read • 22 February 2020 What Things Want On the making of the tiger eats the zebra and the bird, alarmed, takes off and theatre in times of climate catastrophe
Read • 3 December 2019 "Sometimes you’re more courageous in your work than in real life" a portrait of writer and director Lisaboa Houbrechts
Read • 24 September 2019 Benjamin Verdonck is showing his art at L’échangeur (FR) Unique exhibition: Cadeaux d'anniversaire et autres choses
Read • 9 May 2019 The tiger eats the zebra and the bird, alarmed, takes off Benjamin Verdonck, season presentation 2019-2020
Read • 6 May 2019 Toneelhuis season 2019-2020 Premieres, reprises, co-productions and guest performances at the Bourla.
Read • 6 May 2019 The theatre is in the city and the city is in the world and the walls are a membrane. Season presentation speech by Guy Cassiers , 2019-2020
Read • 15 January 2019 On the Future of Toneelhuis: Guy Cassiers is embarking on his last three years at Toneelhuis Guy Cassiers has decided to round off his artistic adventure in Toneelhuis in December of 2021. By that time he will have headed up Antwerp’s municipal theatre for 15 years.