The mist hangs in thick banks over the vegetation. In the dim light we see time slip by. Something shoots past the plants and disappears again. The mist thickens and fills the forest with a dense blanket of cloud until all that is left is a solid, white mass. Lost, he steps through this smog, groping his way through the wood. The wood creaks and whispers. He wades through the ferns and cautiously calls a name. It sounds like: “Vos!” and “Vos?” - “Fox!” and “Fox?”. And the ferns whisper with him. And he can barely see a hands-breadth in front of his eyes in the fog which envelops him like a thick blanket.
FC Bergman & Co.’s idiosyncratic adaptation of the epic animal poem Van de vos Reynaerde (On Reynard the Fox) was received as “crazily good theatre”. Liesa Van der Aa and the Berlin genre-crossing Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop composed the music for this music theatre production. Josse De Pauw provided the words. Dirk Roofthooft, Viviane De Muynck and Gregory Frateur appear in the play along with a number of volunteers.
The production has been selected for the Theatre Festival 2014.
A quote from the jury’s report : "This tour de force shows that these young theatre-makers can write their own new and visually arresting chapter in our theatre history. Van den vos is a milestone in their development and oeuvre because here visual splendour and powerful content find the perfect balance.”
With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union
by and with
- Bart Hollanders
- Stef Aerts
- Marie Vinck
- Joé Agemans
- Thomas Verstraeten
- FC Bergman
- Josse De Pauw
- e.a.
- Dirk Roofthooft
- Viviane De Muynck
- Janelle Vanes
- Vicky van Bellingen
- June Voeten
- Cedric Van Den Abbeele
- Bent Simons
- Frederick Bruyninckx
- Wim Verachtert
- Geert Goossens
- Marc Moens
- Willy Verbruggen
- Jos De Raedt
- Guy Willekens
- Emile De Bekker
- Jan Rottiers
light design
- FC Bergman
- Ken Hioco
sound design
- Alex Fostier
- Craig Ward
- Gregory Frateur
musical adaptation
- Daniella Strasfögel
- Michael Rauter
- Kaleidoskop
- Liesa Van der Aa
costume design
- An D'Huys
live music
- Kaleidoskop
- Gavra
- Agfa-Gevaert N.V.
- Floor Gres
- Vranckx
- Amadea
- Boudewijn Sea Park
movement advice
- Ken Hioco
- Toneelhuis
- Kaleidoskop
- Muziektheater Transparant
with the support of
- programme Culture de l’Union européen
in collaboration with
- Wiener Festwochen
- Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
- Le Phénix, Scène nationale de Valenciennes
- Operadagen Rotterdam
- Kaaitheater
- Berliner Festspiele / Foreign Affairs