De misdaad, the third and last part of Guy Cassiers’ trilogy. Johan Leysen plays writer Musil and murderer Moosbrugger. Her violin at the ready, Liesa van de Aa plays the victim of both men.
De misdaad, the third and last part of Guy Cassiers’ trilogy, intertwines two stories: the story of the writer Musil and the woman he loves Herma, and that of the murderer Moosbrugger and a prostitute. The author of this part is Yves Petry, winner of the Libris Prize 2011. He drew inspiration from Musil but wrote a whole new text. The two women are dead. That Moosbrugger, a character from Musil’s novel Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (The Man Without Qualities), is guilty of the death of the prostitute is beyond dispute, but to what extent is Musil to blame for Herma’s death? As apparitions, the women confront the murderer and the writer with their deeds/crimes. Are they the voices in their head? Common sense? Indifference? Normality? What possesses the two men to do what they do? What do they represent? Genius? The exception? An aberration? Johan Leysen plays Musil and Moosbrugger. Liesa Van der Aa plays Herma and the prostitute. Guy Cassiers’ visual technology together with the live music makes this play a fascinating landscape of the soul.
- Guy Cassiers
- Erwin Jans
- Yves Petry
- Johan Leysen
- Liesa Van der Aa
- Guy Cassiers
- Enrico Bagnoli
light design
- Enrico Bagnoli
image editing
- Frederik Jassogne
- vzw Hangaar
sound design
- Liesa Van der Aa
- Diederik De Cock
artistic collaborator
- Luc De Wit
costume design
- Valentine Kempynck
inspired by
- Robert Musil
- Toneelhuis
- Toneelhuis
- Guy Cassiers
- Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg
- Holland Festival
- CDN Orléans
thanks to
- Jaron Saragih