A gleaner walks behind the harvesters and picks up the gleanings that are still lying on the field. When you work on a project, you leave a lot of ideas lying in your studio.
A tunnel from the National Bank to
the florist’s across the street,
a boat on the roof of a building,
a collection of rat traps that don’t work,
a collection of leaky footballs,
a show that never begins,
in which you die hundreds of times,
a fox made of cardboard.
Could I put these things next to each other such that they tell a new story?
by and with
- Benjamin Verdonck
- Sven Roofthooft
- Lucas van Haesbroeck
- Toneelhuis
with the support of
- Tax Shelter maatregel v/d Belgische Federale Overheid
- Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter powered by Belfius