An inpidual extricates himself from the world of anonymous order and idle prattle, collective control and constant bustle
and goes in search of a different consciousness
beyond himself.
We witness his quest, his vulnerability and growing understanding,
we see his transformation
as he takes leave of the old.
TRAINER is a both a mental and sensual exercise in awakening awareness,
a contemporary parable which speaks with image and movement as well as words.
I felt like an animal
losing bits of my coat
when hoping for some daylight
I fought for a way out of my body
to the unfamiliar
the light so glaringly bright
I didn’t know what I wanted to find
the type area
the relationship between left and right
is blindingly simple
at home
- Abke Haring
- Abke Haring
- Jonas Vermeulen
- Misha Downey
- Ruud Gielens
- Marlies Heuer
- Abke Haring
- Jason Quarles
- Jean Bernard Koeman
light design
- Stefan Alleweireldt
sound design
- Senjan Jansen
play advice
- Peter Seynaeve
- Toneelhuis
- Toneelhuis
- Abke Haring
with the support of
- Vlaams Fonds voor de Letteren