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Rebels Kunstplatform MOB

TE LAAT / LAAT ET was created by eight young makers in collaboration with actor and director Mokhallad Rasem, writer Martha Balthazar, choreographer Desiree 0100 and costume maker Sam Beddegenoodts.
I can hear something
Can’t you hear anything?
The world is talking
No, the world is crying out 
The world is crying out for help and we must listen  

What do you do when you suddenly have to start again from scratch?
The concept was there, the script and the poster.
But what if it doesn’t feel quite right?
Then you change tack and you start afresh.   

Welcome to a new round of pitches.
What do you dream of making a show about?  
Is it self-confidence, global warming or war?
Can we still save the world?  
Or are we sadly much too late…

MOB Rebels Kunstplatform disembarks at youth and cultural centres, secondary schools, institutes of higher education and museums. It addresses the artistic mindset of young people and the artistic citizenship of the makers. Because the time has come. The time is NOW!”   

play, concept

  • Zita Fransen
  • Otte Frateur
  • Fleur Frateur
  • Tyler Groosman
  • Lotte Mellaerts
  • Otta Peeters
  • Meecy Proost
  • Mahsa Shamizada


  • Mokhallad Rasem
  • Martha Balthazar
  • Désiree 0100
  • Sam Beddegenoodts

scenography, costume

  • Sam Beddegenoodts


  • Rebels Kunstplatform MOB

thanks to

  • Schouwburg Noord
  • Departement Jeugd, Cultuur en Media Vlaanderen

All data

  1. Thursday 12 December 2024 — 20h30 — Kambala, Kambalastraat 1, Antwerpen

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