
het houten ezeltje


Benjamin Verdonck, Toneelhuis

A playful guide to the winding track between studio and stage, including stories, photos, films, a little theatre in a box, a cat and music.

written in big letters
on bertolt brecht’s desk
was the phrase
the truth is concrete
at the corner of his desk
stood a little wooden donkey
with a sign around its neck
and even I must be able to
understand it
does such a thing as truth exist
something undeniable
something for which I will fight
for which I will make art

What initially was meant to be a lecture in response to the publication of even i must understand it, Benjamin Verdonck’s new book, turned into a new piece called The little wooden donkey. 


All artists are alike
they dream of doing something
that's more social,
more collaborative
and more real
than art.

- Dan Graham

concept, execution

  • Benjamin Verdonck


  • Toneelhuis
  • Toneelhuis

All data

Er zijn geen aankomende activiteiten voor dit event.

  1. Saturday 19 November 2016 — 20h00 — 30CC/Schouwburg, Leuven
  2. Wednesday 8 March 2017 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  3. Friday 21 April 2017 — De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam
  4. Friday 1 December 2017 — Kaaistudio's, Brussel
  5. Saturday 2 December 2017 — Kaaistudio's, Brussel
  6. Monday 4 December 2017 — C-mine/Grote zaal, Genk
  7. Tuesday 5 March 2019 — Theater Kikker, Utrecht
  8. Wednesday 6 March 2019 — Theater Kikker, Utrecht

Nieuws over ‘het houten ezeltje’

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Mantike Theatre 24 February 2025 t/m 3 August 2025


Toneelhuis / Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe